Sept. 7, 2022 Organizational Meeting

Sept. 7, 2022 Organizational Meeting
Posted on 09/05/2022
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Quincy School Committee Special Organizational Meeting

Coddington Building
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

  1. Welcome - Mayor Thomas P. Koch, Vice-Chair Frank Santoro

  2. School Committee Goal Setting - Mr. James Hardy, MASC; All School Committee Members

  3. Subcommittee Agenda Items - All School Committee Members

    • Review of Current Subcommittee Agenda Items

    • Establishing Additional Subcommittee Agenda Items

  4. Executive Session: Contract Negotiations

  5. Adjournment

Members of the public can access the meeting in person, live on QATV Channel 22, or via livestream at The meeting will also be recorded for rebroadcast and posted on the QPS website on Friday, September 9, 2022.


QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS – September 7, 2022
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Special Organizational Meeting

Special Organizational Meeting

The Special Organizational meeting was called to order in the School Committee Room at the Coddington Building at 6:00 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Thomas P. Koch, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mrs. Tina Cahill, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Mrs. Emily Lebo, and Mr. Frank Santoro, Vice Chair. Also present were Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Mr. James Hardy, Field Representative from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC), and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.


School Committee Goal Setting for 2022-2023

Mayor Koch and Mr. Santoro welcomed back School Committee for the first meeting of the new school year, thanking their colleagues, the Superintendent, Leadership and Principal Teams, and Quincy Public Schools staff for a successful first day of school. Thanks to the budget approved by the Quincy City Council and additional funding from the state thanks to the local delegation, Quincy Public Schools has continued to grow with additional staff positions and programs.

Mr. Santoro then recognized Mr. James Hardy from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC), who previously worked with the Quincy School Committee in Fall 2019 on goal setting. Mr. Hardy presented an overview of goal setting, by which the School Committee can determine what it would like to accomplish, factoring in the budget available to support the goals, determining how the progress to the goals will be monitored, and how the goals are aligned to the district goals. Since the School Committee has not met to goal set for several years, they should consider their current priorities, determine a reasonable number of SMART goals in different areas (recommendation of 4-6 goals), and tie goals to Subcommittees as a means of monitoring over the course of the school year. Measuring progress is a combination of outputs (actions and process) and outcomes (results and impacts).

Mr. Gutro asked about Mr. Hardy’s work with other districts, all have been impacted by COVID-19 and the impact of technology on education. Mr. Hardy said a common priority in other districts is expanding community outreach, not just to parents, but all members of the community. It is important for all to understand the value of education for the whole community.

Ms. Owens will follow up with Mr. Hardy to schedule a Workshop meeting for School Committee goal setting on a Saturday morning this fall.


Review of Items in Subcommittee

School Committee reviewed the items currently in Subcommittee:

  • Athletics & Wellness: (1) Health Curriculum Map moved to Teaching & Learning; (2) Wellness Programs, (4) MIAA & Patriot League COVID-19 Updates, (5) Staff & Student Social-Emotional Health/Remote Learning During COVID-19, and (8) Home COVID-19 Testing were removed; (6) Bullying/Cyberbullying was expanded to include review of data submission and continuity, possible Policy referral.

  • Budget & Finance: (1) COVID-19 Budget & Revenue Effects removed.

  • Equity, Diversity & Inclusion: (5) Incorporating EDI into Leadership Structure, (8) Translation Services, and (9) QPS Community Listening Sessions were removed.

  • Facilities, Security & Transportation: Item review was deferred until Commissioner Hines presentation at the September 14, 2022 Regular Meeting. Mayor Koch noted that a contract has been executed with an outside vendor to perform a security evaluation and audit on all Quincy Public Schools buildings.

  • Policy: (7) School Year Calendar for 2022-2023 was removed.

  • Special Education: Mrs. Hubley deferred adding items until meeting with the Quincy Parent Advisory Council to Special Education board.

  • Teaching & Learning: (2) Advanced Program for Elementary Students and (3) Progress Assessments removed. Health Curriculum map moved from Health & Wellness Subcommittee.


Executive Session

Contract Ratification

Mayor Koch made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session at 7:10 p.m., which was seconded by Mrs. Lebo. On a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0. School Committee will return to the Special Organizational Meeting following Executive Session.

School Committee returned from Executive Session at 8:10 pm.

Mrs. Cahill made a motion to approve the agreement between the Quincy School Committee and the Teamsters Local Union No 122/Bus Monitors. Mr. Gutro seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approve the agreement between the Quincy School Committee and the Teamsters Local Union No 122/Security. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.

Mrs. Hubley made a motion to approve the agreement between the Quincy School Committee and the Teamsters Local Union No 122/Bus Drivers. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.

Mrs. Cahill made a motion to approve the agreement between the Quincy School Committee and the SEIU Local 888 Quincy Educational Employees Union. Mr. Gutro seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.

Mrs. Hubley made a motion to approve the agreement between the Quincy School Committee and the SEIU Local 888 Quincy Paraprofessionals Union. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 5-0. Mayor Koch and Mr. Bregoli voted Present.



Mayor Koch made a motion to adjourn the Special Organizational Meeting at 8:15 pm, seconded by Mr. Bregoli. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.
